What are Parish Pastoral Councils?
The Second Vatican Council reaffirmed the baptismal call of the laity to participate in the Church. Documents such as The Church in the Modern World and On the Apostolate of the Laity point to the essential role of lay persons. In this spirit, the Nineteenth Diocesan Synod of Pittsburgh in 2000 called for the establishment of aparish pastoral council in every parish in the diocese.
Parish Pastoral Councils …
Parish pastoral councils strive to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among
God’s people in the parish by investigating pastoral activities affecting the lives
of parishioners and by formulating, on behalf of the parish, practical conclusions
regarding those activities.
Are pastoral
Parish pastoral council members represent not one particular group or issue, but
all areas of parish life: old and young; men and women; laity, clergy and religious;
and people with divergent viewpoints, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds.
Are representative
Under the authority of the pastor, parish pastoral councils serve at the heart of
the parish in coming to know God’s will for the parish. Through prayer, reflection
on Scripture and study of the teaching of the Church, council members reflect on the parish’s mission and plan ways to initiate or strengthen whatever is needed to fulfill that mission.
Are prayerful
The members of parish pastoral councils are persons of prayer. They see the value of private prayer for their own personal growth in holiness as well as the value of communal prayer for growth in Christ’s community.
Are discerning
Collaborating with the parish finance council, parish staff, parish organizations
and parishioners, the pastor and parish pastoral council lead the parish to envision a fuller manifestation of the Kingdom and invite parishioners into both the vision and its accomplishment.
Parish Pastoral Council Facilitator- David Lis
Linda Birch, Dan Fritz, Deb Fritz, Doug Jackman, Patti Jackman, Shirley Kennedy Keller, Chris Kriley
Ex-Officio Members:
Fr. Matt McClain, Fr. James Kurtz, Fr. Lou Pascazi, Fr. Ward Stakem, Linda Green, Jenn Stahoviak, Barb Boltz
All members must be compliant with Safe Environment guidelines.